Update on COVID-19
Thursday 14th May, 2020
Following the recent government announcements on easing the lockdown, we have put in place further measures to maintain the safety of our workplace and employees.
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COVID-19 Update
Monday 30th March, 2020
We are constantly reviewing the situation regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus in line with local and national government, public health and WHO guidelines, and our strategy is based on this advice. The health and safety of our staff, customers, suppliers and communities in which we work, remains our priority and Guttridge continues to take the Coronavirus pandemic very seriously. We continue to monitor developments as they evolve and will take the appropriate steps.
Based on the most recent advice and instruction from the Government and Public Health England, Guttridge Ltd has taken the following steps to protect our workforce and maintain production.
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COVID-19 - Our policy on the Coronavirus
Monday 30th March, 2020
In light of the current situation, we would like to reassure all our customers and suppliers that we are continuing to monitor the spread of COVID-19, which is at the forefront of the media. As a company, our doors are still open, but we have put in place certain restrictions in order to safeguard both our employees and those we come into contact with. Our employees matter to us and it is imperative that their welfare is considered as a priority.
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