Guttridge Ltd named as one of East Midlands Top 200'

Wednesday 22 January, 2014

Guttridge Ltd named as one of East Midlands Top 200'

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the UK's premier business lobbying organisation, has named Guttridge Ltd, a leading UK supplier of bulk materials handling solutions, as one of the East Midlands Top 200۪ in a new report commissioned to take the temperature of businesses in the region. East Midlands Top 200: The top 200 fastest growing companies in the East Midlands۪ is based on an assessment of data for thousands of companies and provides a unique snapshot of the economic performance of the region, five years on from the financial crisis of 2008. 67 of the top 200 are, like Guttridge, manufacturing companies. To read the report, please follow:

Paul Gott, Sales and Marketing Director, commented, We are delighted to be highlighted as a thriving East Midlands company in this new report. It۪s also great to see so many manufacturing companies in the top 200. Guttridge like many other manufacturers has significantly ramped up its export business in the last five years, to capitalise on growth opportunities across the world and stay healthy. However, there is no doubt that the business environment has been and remains tough. It۪s a tribute to all our employees that Guttridge has continued to grow in this highly competitive global marketplace. ۝

Guttridge supplies bulk materials handling solutions for products ranging from grain to cement, animal feed to sand and minerals. In 2012, the company opened an office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in order to enhance local, expert support to all countries in the MENA (Middle East, North Africa) area, where food security is a primary concern and investment in infrastructure continues to be high. All the equipment that Guttridge sells is designed and manufactured in the UK, at the company۪s large site on the outskirts of Spalding, Lincolnshire. Guttridge is known for the quality of its products and also for its in-house expertise, which have both been significant factors in ensuring on-going success.

With a history of supplying efficient and reliable solutions that extends over five decades, Guttridge has experienced many changes. Success has always depended on the expertise, flexibility and commitment of all our employees. ۝ said Paul Gott, One of the most encouraging statistics from the report was that the top 200 have created 3800 new jobs over the last 3 years. As we actively grow our team I hope that reports like this will encourage people to look upon manufacturing as a vibrant and exciting place in which to root their careers. This will be essential if the growth of the last five years is to be capitalised on and further extended.۝

Guttridge building

About Guttridge

With a foundation of 50 years of experience, Guttridge is a flourishing company, globally respected for delivering well-engineered, reliable materials handling solutions that continue to anticipate dramatically changing industrial needs.