Insane Terrain 2015!

Wednesday 04 November, 2015

Insane Terrain 2015!

On Sunday 27th September a team of four members of staff from Guttridge Limited took part in an obstacle course race called Insane Terrain, held in Doddington, Cambridgeshire, to raise money for The Garth School in Spalding. The Garth School is a special educational needs school catering for pupils aged 2-19 with complex, severe and profound learning difficulties.

The race was run over 5 or 10 kilometres (participants could choose to complete a second lap of the 5k course if they wanted!) and featured a variety of obstacles including some very cold water, balance beams, tunnels, climbing big heaps of straw bales and a LOT of mud! All of the entrants really enjoyed themselves and offered themselves up for sponsorship. In total Guttridge helped raise 62, which will go towards resources at the school.

Many thanks to those who entered and gave donations; they are very much appreciated.

Guttridge building

About Guttridge

With a foundation of 50 years of experience, Guttridge is a flourishing company, globally respected for delivering well-engineered, reliable materials handling solutions that continue to anticipate dramatically changing industrial needs.