Carier Slip Form Belt Conveyor

The Carier Slip Form Belt Conveyor is aimed primarily at the commercial grain store and large farm markets where the requirement is for intensive use during the harvest period and light use throughout the remainder of the year. Other typical applications include the general light industrial market.

The Slip Form Belt Conveyor is an essential part of many conveying and storage systems dealing with grains, seeds and many other granular or pelletised products. Easily maintained due to their simple construction and low power requirement, Slip Form Belt Conveyors are ideal as a cost effective in-plant conveying solution, with many applications in manufacturing and processing industries.  

Key Features

This well-established design comprises a one piece casing, precision formed from galvanised sheet, with integral belt return rollers. The standard slip form conveyor beltis a multi-ply synthetic fibre construction with a PVG top cover running in the formed steel trough. Product can be discharged at fixed or variable intermediate positions along the conveyor length using the wide range of tripper carriage options available.