Carier Chain Conveyor
Carier Chain Conveyors are aimed primarily at the commercial grain store and large farm markets where the requirement is for intensive use during the harvest period and light use throughout the remainder of the year. Other typical applications include the general light industrial market.
Carier Chain Conveyors are supplied in galvanised finish and offer throughputs of 40tph to 100tph of wheat. Designed using the latest 3D modelling software, the new range optimises throughput whilst minimising cost but without compromising build specification.
Standard Carier Chain Conveyors
Ideal for horizontal or shallow inclines, this conveyor features a European DIN specification steel bushed chain and flight assembly. All models incorporate noise reduction features for quieter running and cleaning flights for minimal product residue.
Carier Angleveyors
The Angleveyor features large paddle flights and combines horizontal and inclined sections in one chain conveyor. Ideal where the conveyor needs to feed an above-ground elevator.
Trench Intakes, Mechanical Intakes
Trench Intakes provide a shallow depth flood feed inlet designed to be level with the ground surface and are typically used for bulk intake of grain. Mechanical Intakes include a full size hopper, designed to hold approx. 3 tonnes of wheat. Intakes are available with both types of Carier Chain Conveyor.